
Die aktuelle Situation birgt viele Herausforderungen. Wie sie in verschiedenen Bereichen gemeistert werden, lesen Sie in dieser Woche in CampusPost, dem Blog des Göttingen Campus: Prof. Dr. Uwe Groß zieht eine erste Bilanz zum Diagnostik-Netzwerk am Göttingen Campus. Wir berichten außerdem aus dem Lern- und Studiengebäude und von Gelände-Exkursionen in der Geografie.

The current situation poses many challenges. This week, you can read CampusPost, the blog of the Göttingen Campus, to find out how different areas have overcome these challenges: Professor Uwe Groß makes an initial assessment of the diagnostic network at the Göttingen Campus. We also report from the Learning and Study Building (LSG), which has been reopened for students in situations of hardship. And in Geography, a team has developed field trips that students can take in groups of two. (in German)